भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
Daughter in law is whether native-born or foreign houses of jewelry, Lakshmi, the Hindu tradition that are stripped from the oppressed woman udaudai barsau today labor exploitation, including physical and sexual abuse than just mental yatanasamma bhognupareki international Filipino women Zoya. His kokhilaka tiny infant children to cope with their own fortress uttering the name of the country today, these plants removed SAVE mother sangai doing this sad news only impedes my generation, we all bowed head. Heart pain is desirable. The injustice made Filipino women in travail tragedy because the voice comes out of my teeth today, including the law of Nepal and the Government of Nepal that you want to ask the inability to support his wife, then?
Today, international women realize this condition, does our country and in our own country, society in Nepal being on his own daughter in law, have been victims of crime, why rape nabanosa?
Why Seeks najalaiyosa and daughter-in-law-in-law bore to stroke a house husband why drinking and violence against women through the destroyed house, disabled, mentally ill again? And why is spoken against witchcraft and burned in the direction of the urine not only buried soil, his teeth jiudai who listen?
Nepal, history and many ABMSU, which I am including presidential chief from the women leaders are many, but there are only gandhari sat. Today, the same eyes, ears, mouth spectacle to see that off and held them helpless victims of our country's legal system for international women lorded euti. Rather than accept them the right to amend law to be sent innings proud of their parents' doing. We have done rescued saying that all those hearing the drum pitdaichana social worker .. This is not only common philipiniharuko before I was bending all the Nepalese population monitoring. Lajasaramale .. .. this situation head on, we became able to raise rather than recognizing the government could not raise her daughter in the paper airplane in flight and destruction that I am hutihara laws .image-232 to support a daughter rather than the right to draft a law for homeless innings over the world keen to send the law of the Nepal giving message of the day trying. The Philippines embassy hear instead to understand the fine structure has taken 7 million. Gharb is a little honesty or reject the government is fearful that the fine instead you .. the Philippines lasted years and he faced came his girls including sexual abuse and physical labor, she felt mentally tortured and asked to settle. Do you see the fine amount to pay sakthyai huh Government of Nepal?
Today, the name of the SAVE International philipini women born in the womb to his birthplace in Nepal Bringing these tiny Philippine country by sending out the speck 2 kids Who gave the right to take away the rights of Nepal's law? If the kids want to return to Nepal tomorrow undermining the government's response would give the innocent children doing gharadekhi homeless? The government could not raise her daughter! D10d6f68950566014a29ce2f8eedcab5 even if little else is ashamed of. The life Thapa and his family that criminal action by immediately sending the philipini Nepal sake of their country than women to receive compensation and the right to cooperate in Nepal I lived in Nepal is not due to the law. Nepal tomorrow that would shame a face? It is understood that the government immediately sought to escape from the problem of the society in the name of the expert uddarako spreading of risks is to give an answer to the question tomorrow, one? The Society can not accept them to be punished uddandakari dilayara SAVE daughter is pretending tomorrow your daughter, he adds napitda by these segregation and injustice upon those neglecting your home Maiti galahatyaera bhanaundaharu worker.
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
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